This site was created and is maintained by some of the good people who originally invaded and inhabited the worlds created by Lunatic Interactive back in 1996 for blaxxun interactive and their Multi-User Virtual Reality client called "CyberGate". This was one of the first multi-user avatar-based clients online, and is still thought of as one of the best.
Pointworlds was established to keep these worlds alive and as an historical archive of some of the early VRML works within a Multi-User environment. Also within are links to many of the great new works being developed by some of the current developers of VRML. Special thanks to blaxxun for allowing use of their server to track avatars movement and chat through their Contact client. If you would like to join and get a email or get your worlds featured here, just contact the PointWorlds Team below.
For an historical look at Pointworlds and the VRML browser developed by blaxxun interactive check out the History Page created by Jedi. You can also read about the Pointworld Community as featured in the book AVATARS! by Bruce Damer.